Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


The questions below result in a composite score ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates 'do not plant the crop', while a score of 100 would indicate 'there is absolutely no reason not to plant the crop'. There will be few instances of a score of 100. The icon(s) shown next to each question is meant to serve as a resource for producers relevant to each specified question shown. The questions below are intended to show red flag type concerns.

1. In a potato field, soil characteristics can significantly influence potato growth, development and yields. Have you identified a growing site that has loose, deep soil with proper drainage, aeration, pH and water infiltration?


2. Potato cultivar options are diverse. They range from russet types that are ideal for chipping and frying to specialty cultivars with varying skin and flesh colors. Have you identified a viable market for the specific potato cultivars that you plan to grow?


3. If storing potatoes for an extended period, then do you have a facility that creates an optimal storage environment (38 degrees F to 65 degrees F and 85 percent to 95 percent humidity) and are you willing to treat stored potatoes with a sprout inhibitor if necessary to further extend their storage life?


4. Do you have the opportunity to source certified potato seed pieces that are disease-free and offer resistance to harmful diseases such as potato scab?


5. Depending on your operation's size, do you have a sufficient labor force to harvest potatoes, or do you have access to a mechanical harvester?
