Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


The questions below result in a composite score ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates 'do not plant the crop', while a score of 100 would indicate 'there is absolutely no reason not to plant the crop'. There will be few instances of a score of 100. The icon(s) shown next to each question is meant to serve as a resource for producers relevant to each specified question shown. The questions below are intended to show red flag type concerns.

1. Delicate raspberry fruit have a relatively short shelf life. Do you have ready access to a market that would purchase raspberries as they’re ready to harvest?


2. Raising raspberries requires hand labor for activities such as tipping, thinning and pruning raspberry brambles and picking and handling berries. Do you have sufficient access to labor to carry out this work?


3. Irrigation is critical for raspberry production because the plants have shallow root systems. Are you willing to invest in an irrigation system to provide a consistent source of water to raspberry plants?


4. When growing raspberries, good soil drainage and air drainage are important. Preferred planting sites will have deep soil that lacks a hardpan and has a high level of humus. Air drainage prevents crop damage during cool weather. Do you have a planting site that offers both sufficient soil characteristics and air drainage?


5. High tunnels, which are plastic-covered hoop houses, have enhanced the potential to raise raspberries in Missouri. Are you willing to invest in high tunnel infrastructure and the management effort involved in maintaining a raspberry crop grown under a high tunnel?
