Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


Alternative Crop Decision Tool:


The questions below result in a composite score ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates 'do not plant the crop', while a score of 100 would indicate 'there is absolutely no reason not to plant the crop'. There will be few instances of a score of 100. The icon(s) shown next to each question is meant to serve as a resource for producers relevant to each specified question shown. The questions below are intended to show red flag type concerns.

1. Does the planting site have soils with good water-holding and drainage characteristics, no weed problems, a soil pH level between 6.0 and 6.5 and no cucurbit crop production history within the past three years?


2. Healthy honeydew plant leaves will lead to developing sweet melons that have good flavor. Are you willing to invest in practices to control pests and diseases that could damage honeydew plants and leaves?


3. Are you willing to introduce honey bees into the growing area if there are too few pollinators?


4. Given that honeydew can have staggered harvest and that melons don’t naturally slip from plants, honeydew melon harvest relies heavily on hand labor. Does your operation have access to enough labor for your harvest needs?


5. To boost yields, would you consider forming raised beds, laying plastic, mulching and using drip irrigation in honeydew planting areas?
