Alternative Crop Decision Tool:

Winter Canola

Alternative Crop Decision Tool:

Winter Canola

The questions below result in a composite score ranging from 0 to 100. A score of 0 indicates 'do not plant the crop', while a score of 100 would indicate 'there is absolutely no reason not to plant the crop'. There will be few instances of a score of 100. The icon(s) shown next to each question is meant to serve as a resource for producers relevant to each specified question shown. The questions below are intended to show red flag type concerns.

1. Do you have the ability to transport your crop a significant distance or are you willing to identity preserve store and ship your crop a significant distance if economically profitable?


2. Winter canola needs to be planted at least 30 days prior to the first frost to decrease the potential for winterkill. With your existing rotations, what is the likelihood of planting winter canola at least 30 days prior to frost?

less than 50%
50 to 75%
75 to 100%

3. What are your typical wheat yields?

between 40 and 45
between 46 and 52
between 53 and 56

4. Are the soils where you plan to plant canola poorly drained or prone to flooding?

Very poorly drained and prone to frequent flooding
Poorly drained and floods infrequently
Poorly drained
Soils drain well

5. Do you actively scout your crops during key growth periods? Can you effectively manage your herbicide program to avoid residual chemical issues with canola?
